Beatutiful Soup

Pip Install Beautifulsoup : How to Install Beautifulsoup ( Windows & Linux )

Beautifulsoup is a python package that is useful in scrapping web content from a particular URL.  It parses HTML and XML documents and creates a parse tree that is used to extract data from HTML.  But how you will install it in your system. In this entire tutorial you will know how to pip install Beautifulsoup, means how to install Beautifulsoup using the pip command.

Steps to Install Beautifulsoup using PIP

In this section, you will know all the steps required to install beautifulsoup in your system. I will tell you how to install in both windows and linux operating system.

Install Beautifulsoup on Windows

Step 1: Open your command prompt

Step 2: Check the version of the python by typing the following command.

python  --version
Checking the version of python on windows

Step 3: Install the beautifulsoup using pip

After checking the version of the python now you can install beautifusoup for different python versions.

 For python 3.xx

pip3 install beautifulsoup4

 For python 2.xx

pip install beautifulsoup4

In my system, the python version is 3.xx. So I will use the pip3 command.

Installed beautiulsoup on windows

Install Beautifulsoup on Linux

Now let’s install Beautifulsoup on Linux. You have to follow the below steps to install it.

Step 1: Update the Linux

To update the Linux use the following command.

sudo apt-get update
Update you linux os

Step 2: Check the python version

To check the python version. If it is installed then you will get the version number. And if are getting the following error then you have to install it.

Python not found an error in Linux

To install python use the pip3 command.

pip3 install python

It will install the python 3.xx version.

Step 3: Install the Beautifulsoup

After the installation of the python install the Beautifulsoup using the pip command. Run the following bash command to install it.

pip3 install beautifulsoup4

It will successfully install the beautifulsoup on the Linux OS.


If you want to make your own scrapper then beautifulsoup python package is very useful. These are the steps to install beautifulsoup using the pip command for Linux and Window OS. Hope this tutorial has solved your queries. If you want to get more help then you can contact us anytime. We are always ready to help you. Apart from installation, there are so many operations you should explore with beautifulsoap package like extracting data using findall() function , parsing HTML and select.


Beautifulsoup documentation