Complete Road Map to Learn Probability for Data Science

Hi friends ! I know its one of the most difficult question , ”  Whats the Road Map to Learn Probability for Data Science ?” . Specially it is more difficult for the data science beginners . Am I right ?

See , the difficulty is the choose the essential topic in Probability and their relevant study material Right ! Because in starting you do not have much time to finish the complete area in probability .

Actually Probability in itself a very big topic . Usually for beginners in data science , It is really essential to practice only essential in data science in beginning . At least read the statistics  , at the level where you can do all the statistics related task in data science .

Anyways this article will be a Complete Road Map to Learn Probability for Data Science.

Essential topics to  Learn Probability for Data Science-

Here is the complete list for all essential topics in probability  which you should learn to become a master in data science .I know you are getting excited so quickly move towards the topic list –

  1. Basics in Probability .
  2. Conditional and Joint probability .
  3. Marginal Probability
  4. Bayes Rule
  5. Random variables ( Joint )
  6. Probability Distributions
  7. Sampling and Hypothesis Testing .
  8. Linear and Multiple Regression .

How to start learning Probability for Data Science-

Step 1 :

I will advice you to give extra time in  basics first . I have found most of the time people either skip this section or do not give much time . Actually what happens most of the people must have read this part in their school or college level .  This ignorance will effect badly in future when they start learning the advance topic . The hidden thing here is most of time the strong knowledge of basic  probability  is enough to solves most issues in data science . I will suggest to at least revise this area .Best thing you can do  just some reading from old academics book .Do not forget to solve some question

Step 2 :

Best thing of you can do just do some reading from old academics book .Do not forget to solve some question . Now you can take some video course in Udemy or coursera . Reading book is good but I will advice to finish some video course series first with all assignment . It will give you all essential information . Now in third step you should choose a good book and read only those area where you want to do mastery .

Here is the list for best udemy courses in probability .

1.Workshop in Probability and Statistics:

Awesome eLearning course to learn Probability for Data Science . The best part is the syllabus for this course completely identical to our read map .

Workshop in Probability and Statistics Udemy.png
Workshop in Probability and Statistics Udemy.png

2. Become a Probability & Statistics Master –

This Udemy course also covers all the probability essential for data science .For more information please go to the above course link .

Become a Probability Statistics Master Udemy
Become a Probability Statistics Master Udemy
 Note –

If you are completely beginner ( no previous probability experience ) and before going directly to these course ,you should take the below course .

Probability for beginners | Mathematics & Statistics

Probability for beginners Mathematics Statistics Udemy
Probability for beginners Mathematics Statistics Udemy


Step 3 :

As I have already told you . In this step you need to learn only the advance part . So if you are just a data science beginner and want to learn only a specific part. Take a book and go deep into that . Here is the list of some popular book to learn Probability for Data Science.


1.  A Course in Probability Theory

Probability for Data Science Books
Probability for Data Science Books

2.  An Introduction to Probability Theory and Its Applications

Probability for Data Science Books
Probability for Data Science Books

Complete learning path for data scientist –

As you know apart from probability, you need to master statistics and machine learning in order to become a data scientist. For more detail please refer to the below article –

How to become data scientist .

Conclusion –

Probability is the fundamental idea behind the data science . Although its a big area . This article is just a simplification for Planing a effective learning on probability for data science . It can save lot of your time in filtering the relevant syllabus for learning .  Data Science Learner  is planing to create effective tutorial on probability for data science in very easy wordings . If you do not want to miss that , Please subscribe the website here .

So I hope you have got the answer for your question .  ” Whats the Road Map to Learn Probability for Data Science ?” . If you need to add more on the road map part please comment below .You may also write how did you find the complete article .In case you want to share your thoughts with data science learner community and the entire data science world . You can also contact us or guest posting.

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