Data Science Trend

Best Practices for Writing Clean and Elegant Python Code

Python is truly a programming phenom – the language beloved by coders everywhere and studied more than ever before! It’s surpassed Java as the go-to for coding, thanks to its intuitive syntax, easy structure, and versatility. From web development to system administration or automation or data analysis to machine learning – whatever domain you’re in Python has something special that can make your work simpler yet more powerful.

Python has grown rapidly in popularity and is now the go-to language when it comes to web development; frameworks like Django and Flask should be given credit for this success. However, although a powerful tool – as with any coding language proficiency relies on skillful management by developers. Any developer should create clean code in Python that will be easy to edit in the future. This is where the Python best practices described in this article come in handy.

Best Practices for Writing Clean Code Python

Writing code isn’t as simple as hammering out a few lines of text – it’s an art form that takes careful consideration and practice to master. Clean code embodies the qualities needed for code to be easily understood, maintained, debugged, and improved by other developers over time. It should read like poetry, and execute quickly & efficiently like fine-tuned machinery, but most importantly each function or module must have its own purpose within the bigger picture of development in order for clean coding practices to truly shine through!

#1 Do not use ambiguous abbreviations

In order to maximize clarity, it is always best practice when choosing a variable name to opt for length and descriptiveness over brevity and confusion. Why do you need to additionally make a description for the variable, if all the necessary information can be put in the name?!

#2 Stick to one type of description

Keep an orderly codebase! Consistency is key to successfully navigating the work of multiple developers. Make sure variables, files, functions, and directories follow a predictable structure; it’ll help everyone stay organized and on track.

#3 Avoid using magic numbers

Change your code habits! Instead of using “magic numbers” – numerical values with mysterious implications buried deep in the source code, scattered throughout multiple locations without any context or explanation – use meaningful constants to create more comprehensible coding environments.

#4 Use the editor to troubleshoot

By tracking codebase issues in the editor, engineers can be granted full visibility into their technical debt and get a detailed context for each issue. This helps them reduce time spent switching between tasks to solve any existing problems quickly and continuously. For those just starting out, Stepsize offers free extensions that integrate with common project management tools like Jira or Asana, making it easy to keep your Python codebase clean!

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#5 Use long descriptions

Writing code should be like speaking a language – the better you label your components, the easier it is to understand. Whether it’s files or variables within those files, using descriptive terms makes troubleshooting and modifications more efficient – think of something as abstract as “John” vs. a clear identifier such as “userFirstName”. By taking advantage of this approach when writing code, both now and in the future you’ll save yourself time debugging while gaining better clarity on what’s happening behind the scenes!

#6 Use the correct function names

A consistent naming convention for functions is key to creating a clear, readable codebase that all developers can understand. When it comes to function names, uniformity is essential in order to avoid confusion and make cooperative work easier!

#7 Try to make functions monofunctional

Write better code and simplify your programming style by crafting functions that have one purpose. If you find yourself writing a function name containing “and”, consider breaking it up into two individual tasks – this will help ensure all of your code is optimized to do its job most efficiently!


Creating a clear and understandable coding environment is essential for any program or website to operate correctly. By following the tips above, you can ensure that your codebase is structured in an orderly fashion and easy to read by yourself and other developers. With a little practice, you’ll be able to create reliable, maintainable, and understandable code that everyone can read and edit.