Top 3 Collaborative Data Science Platform for Data Science Learners

We all need a platform where we can learn , practice and compete . Yes Its possible now . If you have programming background , you may have heard about HackerRank and CodeChef . These are related to general programming . In the same way , We have some specific platform for Data Science and AI . Here is the list and complete detail for Top 3 Collaborative Data Science Platform for Data Science Learners.

Top 3 Collaborative Data Science Platform for Data Science Learners –

I will tell you the name quickly because I know you are Pretty excited about it .




Although these are similar in the sense of functionality but still each have some advantages and disadvantages each other .Lets see one by one .

  1. Kaggle –

People Call it Home for Data Science . Perfect for learning , collaborating and  completing in data science project . Its really engaging for early data scientist as you can get reward for your work . You can ask your question to the community and get the answer . Kaggle platform contains so many data set for machine learning stuffs . You can also contribute your own data set there as well .

Till now we have only explored Kaggle as a platform for learning and completing .  Lets look at the other corner of Kaggle . Kaggle allows you to create and host your own data science competition .Companies and Individual are utilizing this feature of kaggle and pulling out the solution of their data science related problem and tallent as well .

Collaborative Data Science Platform Kaggle

2.CrowdAI –

You may use CrowdAI for same as you do with Kaggle . Here you will get three different sections –

1.Challenge -This section is completion hub for folks .You will get the direction and details for complete data sets .

2. Knowledge Base – Its  a tutorial section . You will get the project details and code link over here .

3. Job Board – Come and get hired here . You will multiple job description and requirement list here .

Collaborative Data Science Platform CrowdAI

Driven Data –

This Collaborative Data Science Platform welcome to host and participate in data science completion . You may use this platform to show your skills and be the part of cutting edge technology based project . Here you will get real world data sets and problems . All you need to choose one the the problem statement and applying data science algorithms on the top of that .

Collaborative Data Science Platform Data Driven

Is Really Collaborative Data Science Platform Important ?

Let me tell you its an open ended question . No one can answer it directly . You must be thinking why ?

Do not worry ! I will explain A-Z information about it .Actually It has two sides . First from Learner prospective  and Second is Competition host prospective . In case  , If you are a host for competition , There is no better option apart from this . I mean in that case , Its really important .

Lets look at second scenario when you are a learner . Now there could be two choices . First is to start a new project and learn by that project . Second to participate in such Collaborative Data Science Platform and do the project accordingly . Now lets compare them each other .

In the First scenario , You may choose wrong technology stack or tool . Although Collaborative Data Science Platform provides you complete guide for technology stack and related tool . Lets discuss one more essential point here .Suppose you stuck some where while doing your project . You may have to find the solution on community or not. But in case of Collaborative Data Science Platform  , Folks will be working on the same problem hence you will get the solution easily .

Conclusion –

Guys ! I hope you find the article – “Top 3 Collaborative Data Science Platform for Data Science Learners” worthy . Actually In the beginning when you are not to aware with data science technology . It is really difficult to find the best and appropriate Technology and tool  .At the same time these platform solves the most problem . Community make it more interesting . People become friends and work like a team . Few communities provides reward on solving problem . This reward motivates people to work hard . I mean all makes a perfect learning environment for data science.

Please comment below if you think , we should add few more name in the list !

Thanks !

Data Science Learner Team