Data Science Trend

The Ultimate Cheat Sheet on Tableau Charts

One of the most popular tools for deciphering and displaying data is Tableau. A handy reference book covering all the basics will make working with Tableau faster, easier, and more effective.
We at Using less have created a tableau desktop cheat sheet to enhance your use of Tableau.

A cheat sheet has been created to give you a basic understanding of Tableau and its applications. This cheat sheet will teach you all the fundamentals of a Tableau desktop which you need to be aware of to begin using Tableau.

Why use Tableau?

Although there are numerous benefits to using Tableau, these are the top three:

  • Simple to use—no code required
  • Effortlessly integrates with any data source
  • Can handle big datasets and is quick

You can also learn more from Great Learning about Tableau. Several Tableau Courses are available.

Versions of Tableau

Tableau is available in two primary versions:

  • Tableau Public is a free version of Tableau that lets you publish dashboards online, create visuals, and connect to a few different data sources.
  • Tableau Desktop is a premium edition of the software that enables you to access various data sources, store work locally, and work with unrestricted data volumes.

Learning how to use Tableau

Workbooks are what you will use while using Tableau. There are sheets, dashboards, and tales in workbooks, and a workbook has a similar number of sheets as Microsoft Excel. Any of the following could be on a sheet in a workbook located on the bottom left.

  • A sheet is a single opinion included inside a workbook. A worksheet might have shelves, cards, legends, visualizations, and more.
  • Dashboard, A group of many spreadsheets, used to provide several perspectives at once
  • Several dashboards and sheets are used to form a tale that tells a data story.

Cheat sheet for Tableau

Joining data

You may need to combine data from several sources or tables for data analysis activities. Additionally, Tableau offers the following data joining features:

  • Developing a Joint
  • Changes to a Join Type
  • A Join Fields Editing

Data mixing

Data mixing is another feature that Tableau offers. You may utilize this functionality if you discover corresponding data in many data sources and wish to study all relevant data in a single view.

  • Getting Data Ready for Blending
  • Adding Data Source
  • Combining the Data


Tableau also includes a selection of operators. Operators often manipulate logical or mathematical data and these operators aid in the creation of computed fields and formulas in Tableau.

  • General Managers
  • Calculus Operators
  • Operators in Relation
  • Intelligent Operators

Level of Detail Expressions (LOD Expressions)

Tableau introduces LOD Expressions. LOD provides data sources with even greater control over their data.

  • Include LOD
  • Exclude LOD
  • Fixed LOD


Tableau offers two different methods for you to execute sorting on your data:

  • Utilizing the sort dialogue button, computed sorting is carried out directly on an axis.
  • Manual Sorting: Drag the dimension fields close to one another to change the order in which they appear.

Kinds of charts Used in Tableau

Line Chart

An excellent tool for tracking patterns over time is a line chart. Your greatest option if you have data that progressively change over time is a line chart (like sales numbers). You may compare two data sets across time using line charts as well. Since the lines often join spots that fall on the same day, changes throughout time may be easily seen.

Bar Graph

Unlike line charts, which only display one variable at a time, bar charts display sales by product and brand category. Additionally, it is useful for comparing many datasets at once, like bar charts. Consider that you have a list of things divided into several categories. If so, instead of utilizing distinct visuals by each category or variable, you may compare them side by side solely on a single visual element by using a bar chart.

Scatter Diagram

When comparing two separate variables, a scatter chart is a fantastic tool. It’s also a wise option if you want to identify patterns or trends in your data and have many points or if the data is rather sparse.

Two axes make up a scatter plot.

Scatter plots are diagrams that display the relationship between two variables in a body of data. It depicts data points on a Cartesian system or a two-dimensional plane. The dependent variable is plotted on the Y-axis, while the X-axis represents the independent variable. Time or another variable is represented on the x-axis, and other parameters like revenue or profit are depicted on the y-axis. Typically, the values on both axes are expressed using numbers or sentences rather than lines or forms (such as bars).

You may determine if there is any association between your variables using scatter helpful plots. They also let you look for any trends in how these characteristics change over time (this will be more apparent when multiple points are plotted on your scatter plot).

Together Axis Chart

A combined axis chart is a useful tool for simultaneously contrasting these two variables. The values of both variables could be displayed on a single graph with different axis scales. Additionally, you can compare different data sets using this graphic (such as regions).

When using a combined axis scatter chart, you may see three variables simultaneously, which merges two axes into one axis. It is helpful when you compare many variables over time or across several categories, such as sales over time by department or sales over time by category in various regions.

Graph Tree

When displaying hierarchical data, like the organizational structure of a corporation or the structure of its product lines, a tree chart is a useful option. Suppose your data collection comprises numerous levels in each category, like the various organizational levels or the various tiers of items produced by a company. In that case, tree charts may also be helpful.

Bar Diagram, stacked.

For example, you can show how much more money someone earns with a college degree compared to others who don’t use stacked bar charts. It shows how two things interact. Additionally, stacked bar charts may show percentages and proportions over time.


With Tableau’s business intelligence software, you can efficiently report insights using configurable visuals and simple dashboards. Creating your first visualization, a dashboard, a data story, and more are all covered in this cheat sheet, which is intended to get you started with Tableau. Look into these free online courses to start your Tableau learning journey.