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The Use of Deep Learning Strategies in Online Education

The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the development of online education. As a result, many schools are actively working on establishing virtual classrooms, while some are already expanding their virtual environments to enhance comprehension and retention. This expansion is necessary as online education can be overwhelming for many students.

Some educators have tried to use deep learning strategies to improve online education in the last few years. Many of the techniques offered by this method can increase student engagement and performance. For this reason and more, this article presents what deep learning is all about. It also discusses 5 strategies teachers and professors can implement in virtual learning spaces.

About Deep Learning

Deep learning is a learning approach that lets students solve emerging problems by understanding essential processes and ideas. Therefore, this educational method goes beyond teaching facts to students. It gives educators the ability to present information so learners can quickly and effortlessly process new facts. As such, there are many strategies institutions can use to implement deep learning in online spaces. Below are some of the most crucial tactics that educators may find handy.

Use Questions to Explore Ideas

Humans are naturally curious. This disposition can serve as an excellent tool for educators. To achieve this, you will want to develop lessons as primary questions. In addition, these queries should be:

  • Thought-provoking
  • Open-ended
  • Creative

Each question should encourage learners to think of a spectrum of answers instead of a single response. Likewise, you will want every query to generate discussions and promote further inquiry by students. For example, when running a history class online, you can start by making students consider why studying this field is essential for their education. Doing this is more interesting and effective than starting history lessons by bombarding students with dates and events.

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Organize Units Around Larger Themes

Traditionally, educators always want to cover as much course material as possible. Achieving this may feel like a good idea. However, most students end up not grasping essential concepts in a course when the material they are offered is cramped into a single lesson. Therefore, comprehension and retention are not attained. In addition, restrictions associated with virtual learning increase the situation’s complexity. Luckily, there is a workaround for educationists.

Educators will find it helpful to organize education units around larger themes and concepts. By applying this approach, you expose your students to the primary ideas that define a concept. The best way of applying this strategy is to create course material around primary ideas. Also, you will want to use this same principle when naming course units. This way, you will set a direction for your students and give them an outline for learning, and they will be able to fill in the blanks by doing their own research. This way of learning is often considered more effective when it comes to retention. When you add deep learning to the mix, students will be able to gain the ability to think critically.

Leverage Induction

Induction has several applications in a virtual learning environment. It can assist with predictions, tests, the development of concepts, and previous knowledge activation. As such, you should consider using induction in the following ways.

  • Encourage students to label and group different items into categories. When you do this, you encourage students to learn how to make sense of things around them intuitively.
  • Introduce unknown ideas and terms using known ones. As you go deeper into each course, you should increase the complexity of the familiar and unfamiliar concepts. Also, students in higher classes or college will typically require more complex ideas to work with.
  • Present words and phrases highlighting details about persons, actions, and settings related to a course. Delicately presenting this information should help learners predict the trajectory of future reading.
  • Words and phrases are not the only things you can use to provoke thinking, retention, and comprehension. You can also use physical items, pictures, paintings, and other artworks. Being dynamic with this induction strategy activates deep thinking, especially if you encourage students to explain the reasoning behind each decision they make.

Personalize Learning by Using Empathy

Personalized learning is made possible by modern technology advancements and the shift to online learning. Personalization of education, just as personalization of user experience in marketing, is something that modern teaching approaches can provide.

Learning can be personalized by using empathy. Empathy is one of the most powerful human emotions an educator can ignite in students. In particular, invoking this feeling can positively affect learners, especially when learning online.

The great thing about using empathy is it allows your students to see the world through other people’s eyes. This method should help learners understand complex subject topics and other abstract content. In addition, most students taught using induction become invested in the focus topic, thereby improving memorization and understanding.

As an educator, you can give students assignments that instruct them to write essays from other individuals’ perspectives. Doing this works best when learners dive into the lives of famous people. It fosters skills essential for student development.

Encourage Active Reading

When teaching learners on the internet, students will have to do a lot of reading by themselves. As a result, you must find ingenious ways to encourage students to engage and read effectively to attain comprehension. Active reading is one technique that can stimulate critical thinking, analytical ability, and understanding. You can implement this strategy by posing statements and asking questions about a course or unit. Also, applying this approach is not a right or wrong expedition. Instead, an active reading strategy can be applied before learners can read the content. You may also stimulate engagement by positing controversial questions and statements encouraging students to engage with the reading material.

In Conclusion

Applying deep learning when delivering online education has several benefits for students. In general, it improves comprehension of concepts and teaches students to analyze and think for themselves. You can boost the learning process by implementing the deep learning strategies presented in this article.