
Please commit your changes or stash them before you merge ( Solved )

GitHub is mostly used by developers for version control and for collaborating with other developers on the same project. There are many functionalities provided by GitHub like you can keep track of the changes made by you and also keep backups for the previous changes. However, sometimes you can get an error after committing to the GitHub repository like “ please commit your changes or stash them before you merge“.

In this entire tutorial you will learn how to solve the please commit your changes or stash them before you merge error.

What is GitHub?

Suppose you are building large projects and want to manage the changes and codes then how  you can do so. Using the GithHub you can easily manage the projects using the version control.

Why does the please commit your changes or stash Error come?

Most of the cases the error Please, commit your changes or stash them before you can merge comes when you have made any changes to the local machine. After that, you must have pushed the changes to the Github remote repository. Now if anyone will pull all the changes from the remote then they will get the error.

git pull


error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge:;
Please, commit your changes or stash them before you can merge.

How to solve the commit your changes Error?

One of the best solutions to solve this ” please commit your changes or stash them before you merge” error is to not merge with the local modifications as Github is protecting you from unwanted changes in your code.

You can follow the below steps to solve this error.

Step 1: Commit the changes

The first step is to commit to any changes you have made inside the project directory. To commit run the below command.

git commit -m "Your message"

Step 2: Store your changes temporary

After step one now you have to store all the changes in the stack.

git stash

Step 3: Pull the code from the remote repository

After stacking the changes, pull the files from the remote. To do so run the below command.

git pull <remote name> <remote branch name> (or) switch branch

Step 4: Pop the changes

The last step is to pop all the changes that were saved inside the stack.

Run the below bash command to pop.

git stash pop

Now you can commit the changes and push them to the remote repository. You will not get the error “please commit your changes or stash them before you merge” when you will pull the changes again in your local repository.


The error please commit your changes before you merge mainly comes when there are conflicts between the local and remote repositories. If you are getting this error then you can solve it using the above steps.

I hope you have liked this tutorial. If you have any queries then you can contact us for more help.