How to Downgrade Numpy : Only 3 Steps

How to Downgrade Numpy with Steps

Numpy is the best python package for the creation of NumPy array and using it you can make mathematical calculations very easily. Sometimes you get errors while installing NumPy like no module named numpy or np error e.t.c. There can be a case when a particular third-party package requires a specific version of the NumPy. In this entire tutorial, you will know how to downgrade your NumPy packages easily through steps.

Why you should downgrade Numpy?

Now the question comes about why you will downgrade Numpy. And there can be many reasons. But the most obvious reason for downgrading the NumPy package is the use of other external python packages. Sometimes there is a package that requires some specific version of the numpy to work than the latest one.

Therefore you have to install numpy for the specific version. So that the third-party package works.

Steps to Downgrade Numpy

In this section, you will know all the steps required to downgrade the NumPy version. Just follow the steps to downgrade it quickly.

Step 1: Open your terminal

The first step is to open your terminal of the command prompt.

Step 2: Check the version of  the Numpy

The second step is to check the version of the NumPy. You can check the version of the Numpy in your system by using the numpy.__version__.

Type python on your terminal. It will open the python interface. After that type the below lines of code one by one.

>>import numpy

You will get the python version

Checking the numpy version
Checking the numpy version

Step 3: Downgrade and Install Numpy

Now suppose I want to install NumPy of version 1.18.1 then you will write the numpy==1.18.1.  It will be done using the pip command. But before that, you have to also check the version of python in your system.

To check the version of python you have to use the following command.

python --version
Checking Python version before installing spacy
Checking the Python version before installing spacy

You will use the pip3 command if the version of python is 3. xx and use pip if the version of python is 2. xx.

In my system the version of python is 3. xx so I will use the pip3 command.

pip3 install --upgrade numpy==1.18.1
Installing a specified version
Installing a specified version

The above command will downgrade the version of NumPy if the current version of the numpy in your system is above. In addition, it will install the specified version of the Numpy which is 1.18.1.



Downgrading Numpy requires when there is a functionality in the third-party package that doesn’t support the current version of the Numpy. If you are getting errors the above steps to downgrade Numpy will fix your issue.

I hope you have liked this tutorial on how to downgrade Numpy. If you have any queries then you can contact us for more help.

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Meet Sukesh ( Chief Editor ), a passionate and skilled Python programmer with a deep fascination for data science, NumPy, and Pandas. His journey in the world of coding began as a curious explorer and has evolved into a seasoned data enthusiast.
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