How to Install Spacy in Juypter and Command Prompt?

How to Install Spacy

Spacy is one of the best libraries for advanced NLP (Natural Language Processing ) in python. You can easily find the meaning of the words according to the context using them. Spacy allows you to build applications that understand and process large text to extract meaningful information. In this tutorial of “How to”, you will learn how to install Spacy in  Jupyter Notebook and Command Prompt using the pip command.

Install Spacy in Jupyter

In this section, you will learn how to install Spacy in Jupyter Notebook using the pip command. In the Jupyter notebook, you can run any Linux command or terminal command by adding the “!” character before the command. Open your Jupyter notebook and type the following command to install Spacy in your Jupyter Notebook.

!pip install spacy

It will successfully install the spacy in the notebook.

Installing spacy in jupyter notebook
Installing spacy in jupyter notebook

Installing Spacy in Windows

You can install spacy in widows using the pip command. But you have to also check the version of the python installed in your system. You can check using the below command.

python --version
Checking python version
Checking python version

If the version of the python is 3.xx+ then spacy will be installed using the pip3 command. I have python 3. xx installed so I will use the pip3 command.

pip3 install spacy
Installing spacy in windows
Installing spacy in windows

If you have previously installed spacy in your system then you will see the message Requirement already satisfied.

For version 2.xx+ install using the pip command.

pip install spacy


Install Spacy in Linux and MacOS.

If your system is Linux or MacOs then you will follow the same method described in the installation of spacy of windows. Open Your terminal and type the following command.

For Linux 

pip3 install spacy

For macOS

pip install -U pip setuptools wheel
pip install -U spacy


Installing Spacy on Anaconda

If you want to install spacy on Anaconda then you have to use the conda command. Open your anaconda terminal and type the following command. It will be successfully installed on your system.

conda install -c conda-forge spacy
python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm


Spacy is the best python package for NLP tasks. These are the method for installing spacy in the Jupyter notebook and your system. I hope you have liked this article. If you have any queries or are unable to install it then you can contact us for more help.

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Meet Sukesh ( Chief Editor ), a passionate and skilled Python programmer with a deep fascination for data science, NumPy, and Pandas. His journey in the world of coding began as a curious explorer and has evolved into a seasoned data enthusiast.
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