How to Reinstall Yarn Module or packages step by step solution

How to Reinstall Yarn Module or packages step by step solution

We can Reinstall Yarn Modules or packages with the command “yarn install –force”  for all available entries in package.json for the module. If you explicitly want to install any specific module with a specific version then use the command “yarn add packagename –force”.  In this article, we will brief the solution in detail. So Let’s start.


Approach 1 : Reinstall Yarn Module or packages ( Steps )

There are steps to reinstall the Yarn Module or packages.

Step 1: Change Directory to Root ( where package.json available ) –

In this step, you need to search the root directory which is the root directory of your project. It must also contain package.json file.

Step 2: Back up the yarn.lock file –

Since you are going to update the module version by reinstalling them. You should back up the yarn.lock file because if we face any incompatibility then we can revert at least.

Step 3: Execute “yarn install –force” command –

After making sure that you are at the root directory, launch the prompt and execute the below command.

yarn install --force

Once we run the above command it will delete the node_modules directory if already in the root directory. Then it will read the entries available in package.json. Now it will fresh install them.

Approach 2:  Manual Approach –

In this approach, we will manually clean the directory.  Then clean the cache and verify the same.  Here is the code for this.

To manually clean the node_module directory, run the below command.

##Mac or Linux

rm -rf node_modules

## Windows

rd /s /q "node_modules"

To clean the cache run the code.

yarn cache clean

To verify the status that all the files are removed or not ??

yarn install --check-files

Now you can install the package with the below command.

yarn add  --force


Approach 3:  Upgrade node packages or modules using YARN –

Sometimes actually reinstallation is required. Since we are facing an incompatibility error and instantly we decided to reinstall. But if it is version incompatibility even though we reinstall, we do not get enough benefit if we install the same version as it was previous. Now the best solution is to upgrade the  Modules.

yarn upgrade <required-package>

To Upgrade all the packages altogether, run the below command.

yarn upgrade

Conclusion –

YARN is a node package manager as npm. Obviously, we are required to install, reinstall, and upgrade either all or specific node modules or packages. In the article, we have covered step-by-step solutions for this. We have covered the solution from the different approaches as well.


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