Pandas to_html : How to Convert Dataframe to Html ?

How to Convert Dataframe to Html using pandas to_html()

Are you searching for How to convert dataframe to HTML? Well its so easy with pandas to_html() function. pandas to_html()  function takes dataframe as input and returns HTML string as output. Lets see the implementation.


pandas to_html() Implementation steps only-

Its just two step process. In the First step, We will create a sample pandas dataframe with dummy data. In the second step, We will use the above function. It will convert dataframe to HTML string. Lets see pandas to html example.

Step 1: DataFrame Creation-


import pandas as pd
#dummy data in dict obj
data_dict = {
#dataframe creation from dict object
df = pd.DataFrame(data_dict)

Once you run this code, The above code will create a dataFrame.

dataframe creation from dict
dataframe creation from dict


Step 2: Covert dataframe to HTML using pandas to_html() –


HTML = df.to_html() 

Lets run the above block. Here is the below output.

pandas to_html function for dataframe to html conversion
pandas to_html function for dataframe to html conversion


Well, We have created the HTML content out of dataframe.



pandas to_html() optional arguments-

Like other python function, It as so many optional parameters which gives strong grips. See, Going through all of them will make this article more lengthy. So lets see few of them which comes in use mostly.

columns : You may specify the column  names which you want to see in HTML format.

encoding- See It returns str object. The default encoding is “utf-8”. But we can change it to others like latin-1, ASCII etc.

header – True or False. Actualy it will show the levels.

index – Its also a boolean parameter for turning on of off the indexes.

render_links – There may be some URL. This parameter will convert each URL in hyperlink format.

Apart from this there are few more parameter like col_space, max_rows,min_rows,max_cols etc . But Mostly we use the above four.


Conclusion –

I think now may easily convert any type of dataframe into HTML content. We have covered most of the optional parameters. Still If you want to add some detail about any of them, Please comment below.



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