
Attributeerror: ‘str’ object has no attribute ‘decode’ ( Solved )

In most of the cases in the python programming language, you work with the string. In the latest version of the Python language which is 3. xx, all the strings are already decoded. You will get the error Attributeerror: ‘str’ object has no attribute ‘decode‘ if you try to call the decode() method on the strings.

In this entire tutorial, you will know why this Attributeerror comes and what you can do to solve these issues.

What is AttributeError ?

As you already know there are many inbuilt functions provided by python. If you are using these methods with invalid datatype then the python interpreter throws the AttribureError.

Let’s understand with an example. Suppose I am using the python append() method. This method accepts variables of a list type. But if you pass the string variable to it then you will get the AttributeError.


Cause of the Attributeerror: ‘str’ object has no attribute ‘decode’

The main cause of the Attributeerror: ‘str’ object has no attribute ‘decode’ is that you are already decoding the decoded strings. Decoding is the process of converting bytes object to str and encoding is the process of converting str to a bytes object.

Let’s take an example and understand it. I am using the python 3. xx version and decoding the sample string.

Run the below lines of code.

myString = "Hello Data Science Learner"


Attributeerror ‘str’ object has no attribute ‘decode’ error

Solution for the Attributeerror: ‘str’ object has no attribute ‘decode’

The solution to this error is that you don’t have to decode the string. It’s because if you are using the python 3. xx version all the strings are already decoded. However, if in any case you want to decode then you have to first encode to ‘utf-8’ or any format then you have to cast the string or first encode the string and then decode it.

Decoding string using cast

myString = "Hello Data Science Learner"


Decoding string using cast

Decoding String through encoding

myString = "Hello Data Science Learner"


Decoding String through encoding


An error Attributeerror: ‘str’ object has no attribute ‘decode’ comes when you are decoding already decoded strings. If you are getting this error then it’s obvious that you are using the python 2. xx versions. Therefore upgrade the python to 3. xx version.

I hope you have liked this tutorial, if you have any doubts then you can contact us for more help. You can also read the blow article on similar line to strengthen the knowledge.

Attributeerror: ‘dict’ object has no attribute encode ( Solved )

‘str’ object has no attribute ‘contains’ ( Solved )

AttributeError: str object has no attribute write ( Solved )


Data Science Learner Team