
numpy.ndarray object has no attribute append ( Solved )

Numpy is a python package that allows you to create a numpy array. It makes mathematical calculation very easy on the array. Let’s say you want to append or insert new elements in the existing numpy array then how you can do so? You may encounter the error attributeerror: numpy.ndarray object has no attribute append . In this entire tutorial, you will learn how to solve this issue easily.

Syntax of the Numpy append()

The following is the syntax for the numpy append() function.

append(arr, values, axis=None)

Here the arr is the existing numpy array. The values are the elements you want to insert inside the array. The argument axis allows you to insert element rows or columns wise.

Why the attributeerror: numpy.ndarray object has no attribute append Occurs?

If you are getting this attributeError then the main reason is that you are not correctly using the numpy append() function. For example, I have a numpy array with elements of integer type. I want to append some values to it. I will get the numpy.ndarray object has no attribute append error when I will run the below lines of code.

import numpy as np
numpy_array = np.array([10,20,30,40,50])


numpy.ndarray object has no attribute append error

You can see I am getting the error. The existing array contains 10,20,30,40,50 integer elements and If I try to append the 60 value using the numpy_array.append() function, the python interpreter invokes an error.

Solve numpy.ndarray object has no attribute append Error

The solution for this error is very simple. You have to just use the append() function properly. You can see in the above section you are getting errors as you are using the append() function on numpy_array, not the numpy module alias np.

The append() function only works when you use it as np.append().

Now you will not get the error when you run the below lines of code.

import numpy as np
numpy_array = np.array([10,20,30,40,50])


Appending elements to existing numpy array


The append() attribute error mainly occurs when you are invoking the append() function on the existing array. You have to use numpy.append() instead of existing_array.append().

I hope this tutorial has solved your problem. If you are still getting any doubts or errors then you can contact us for more help.