
Importerror cannot import name mongoclient from pymongo : Resolve it

Importerror cannot import name mongoclient from pymongo error comes only when pymongo python package is not properly install. Pymongo is python driver for mongo Database . Developer mainly uses Mongo for unstructured data.  Mostly the data around in todays environment is unstructured data.  That is why this error is very common and in this article, We will explore various ways to fix it.

Importerror cannot import name mongoclient from pymongo (Fix)-

Mongoclient  is module for pymongo package. Using pymongo Mongoclient  , We can create the connection between mongo server and client application. Lets see various ways to fix the problem.

Method 1 : Using pip –

As you know pip is python package manager . Here is command for installing pymongo module using pip.

sudo pip install pymongo

Here is sudo as prefix . It is just for admin rights, in come directory it is require but mostly it is optional. So you may remove it and run the below command.If you are running the same command in windows OS , You may only try the below command. If admin rights required then you need to open the cmd in admin right option thats it.

pip install pymongo

The both above package will install the latest version for pymongo. But you may specify module version specifically.


Method 2 : Using conda –

Just similar to pip, We can use conda package manager alternatively.  Here is the conda command for install the pymongo module.

conda install -c anaconda pymongo

The error “Importerror cannot import name mongoclient” also comes in some real scenarios where the pymongo is already install but it is either outdated or incompatible. So the above mention commands will help in those scenarios. Basically when you run them, It will remove the older version for pymongo and reinstall the latest one.

Note – ( Linux users )

If you are Linux user , You may try these command as prerequisites in Method 1 ( Using pip )

sudo apt-get purge python-pymongo
sudo apt-get install python-pip
sudo pip install pymongo

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