
Importerror cannot import name ssl from urllib3 util ssl_ : Fix

Importerror cannot import name ssl from urllib3 util ssl_ error comes because of an incompatible version of python with urllib3 module. In this article, we will explore various scenarios where we get this error (cannot import name ssl from urllib3 ).

What is the use of SSL ?

SSL provides you secure transfer or exchange of data to the user by securing the URL with HTTPS. As you already know the HTTP is Hyper Text Transfer Protocol. Instead of unsecure it becomes secure and use Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure. It also allow you to prevent from fraud or hacking and provide trustworthiness to the  user they browser website.

Importerror cannot import name ssl from urllib3 util ssl_ : (Solution) –

There may be many scenarios where we get this error. But the root causes will be most common. You may use the below mention techniques to fix the above error.

Method 1: Check Python Interpreter –

Some time it happens when we run an existing python script on different environment. Different environments can have different python versions. Hence when you come across this importerror next time. Then first thing first is to check the python interpreter version.

Method 2: Reinstalling awscli –

In some scenarios, the incompatible version of awscli cause this error. The fix is really simple. All you need to reinstall it. Here is the command to reinstall awscli.

sudo pip install awscli --ignore-installed six

Method 3: Using pyenv –

Using pyenv module, we can downgrade and upgrade python interpreter.  Here is the command for switching the python interpreter.

pyenv install -f 3.5.0         # Python version 

Here you may change the version as per your requirement.

Well, there is no order in the methods. You may choose your own as per your problem. Still, I will suggest the first method as priority alternative.

Conclusion –

I hope these three above method must help you in resolving the bug (cannot import name ssl from urllib3 util ssl_). Still, if any of the mentioned methods are not working for your scenario. Please let us know. You may also comment in the comment box. Our Data Science Learner Team must assist you directly.

These import errors are very common among python beginners. But sometimes it happens that this type of error may spend a lot of time of experienced programmer. Don’t worry we are creating a list of similar Fix for import error to save a lot of your time.


Data Science Learner Team