
Importerror cannot import name texttospeech : Best Approach to Fix

You may fix the error importerror cannot import name texttospeech by just reinstalling the google-cloud-texttospeech package. This error is a little confusing because the error trace does not give the full name of the required package. In this article, We will explore the various ways of installing the google-cloud-texttospeech package.

importerror cannot import name texttospeech  (Solution )-

Method 1 (pip):

This First and most popular way for installing the google-cloud-texttospeech is pip package manager. Here is the pip command.

importerror cannot import name texttospeech pip
pip install google-cloud-texttospeech

Using the above command, It will install the latest version of the text to speech. But if you want to install the specific version of text to speech, we need to specify the version along with the command. The version mismatch creates an incompatibility issue in delivery. The most compatible version with this package in Python 3 series is python > 3.5. Although Python 2.7 is decreated already but the version google-cloud-texttospeech==1.0.1 is compatible with Python 2.7 version.

Method 2 (Conda) :

If conda package manager is your default one for you. Or conda is most prefer over pip for you, please use the below command for installing the required package and fix the error “importerror cannot import name texttospeech”.

conda install -c conda-forge google-cloud-texttospeech

The google-cloud-texttospeech is the market leader API for converting free text to voice form. In most NLP based applications like chatbots, It is mandatory to convert text to the human voice. Well, I hope now you guys must be able to fix the issue because of this package. But If you are struggling with the same error then please let us know. Our team will reach out to you. You may easily comment in the below comment box. This is the best way to approach our team. I will really admire you guys for reading the article till the end.

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