importerror: no module named bootlocale error occurs because of incompatibility of pyinstaller package ( _bootlocale is subpart for pyinstaller ). This pyinstaller package is useful in converting python code to executable file. In this article, we will first understand the root cause for no module named bootlocale error. Then we will also explore the best ways to fix this error. Now last but not the least, The use for Pyinstaller package and some necessary context for this error.
Importerror: no module named bootlocale (Root Cause):
See! The root cause is pretty clear for this error. This _bootlocale is a submodule for pyinstaller package. In some of the releases for _pyinstaller package, this _bootlocale has an incompatibility issue with a very specific version of python.
Solution: Upgrading pyinstaller package –
It’s my all-time recommendation, We should first try the latest version for any python module. The same goes with pyinstaller package. Here is the command to upgrade the pyinstaller package with the latest version.
pip install pyinstaller
Note :
1. The most important thing is if we still get the same error, Please try to exclude _bootlocale module while installing pyinstaller module.
--exclude-module _bootlocale
The best way to use this extension in the command is-
pyinstaller -F --exclude-module _bootlocale
2. The second important thing here is if you do not want to upgrade the pyinstaller module to the latest version, go for the most stable version 4.10 version.
pip install pyinstaller==4.10
3. Another way to install this pyinstaller module is using the source code build. To make it simple, Use this command mentioned below.
pip install
Why Pyinstaller is so important?
Most importantly, For any client, we do not provide them python source code. In the place of this, we provide them an installer file. Here we use this pyinstaller module. However, apart from this Pyinstaller, There are multiple ways to compile python to exe. Hope this will fix the error for you.
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