Importerror no module named netcdf4 : How to fix?

Importerror no module named netcdf4

Let’s fix -Importerror no module named netcdf4 to error. We need to install the netcdf4  python module to fix this error. There are so many ways to install the netcdf4 module. In this article, We will explore them one by one.

Importerror no module named netcdf4 ( Fix) –

We have already discussed the root cause of this error. Now let’s see the easiest way to fix it.


Install netcdf4 using pip –

pip is a very popular way to install python modules. We usually install the packages using this package manager only.

pip install netcdf4

We can also define the version for installation. Here is the way to do this.

pip install netCDF4==

You may use pip3 for Python 3.

pip33 install netCDF4

Install netcdf4 using conda-

Conda is the default package manager of the Anaconda package. This is an alternative to the pip package manager. Here is the code for this.

conda install netcdf4


Using Source Code of netcdf4

In earlier ways, We use the only command as an external dependency. It implicitly downloads the code and built it. But in this section, We will manually download the package and built them.

Firstly download the code from here. Now use the below command for building them.

python build
python install

What Else to fix  netcdf4 importerror?

If you have tried the above methods but it is not fixing this importerror. Please make sure to follow the below technique.

  1. Manually delete the netcdf4 older version if exist.
  2. Properly check the system paths.

Now retry the above steps.

Conclusion –

I hope now you may easily fix your error with netcdf4 module.  If you have any queries or you are still struggling with this issue. Please comment below in the comment box or email us. We will help you for sure. Please suggest some of the similar topics which you find difficult to handle. We can do some collaborative learning.



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