
Importerror no module named setuptools : Step By Step Fix

The Solution for the error importerror no module named setuptools is to install the setuptools proper packages and compatible versions.  In this article, We will go through various ways for installing the setuptools in python.

Importerror no module named setuptools (Solution ) –


In this section, we will provide you different command sets for installing setuptools. Let’s go one by one.

importerror no module named setuptools

Method 1 :

If you are using unix or linux operating system. Use the below command for python 3.

sudo apt-get install python3-setuptools

Again, If you are using python 2 , Go for the below command.

sudo apt-get install python-setuptools


Method 2 :

The another way to install the setuptools is pip for fixing the error ” importerror no module named setuptools “.

Here is the command for the window users.

python -m pip install -U pip setuptools

There is a slight difference in the command for linux based systems with pip is –

pip install -U pip setuptools

Method 3 :

In some scenarios, it happens that setuptools are already installed but it is not compatible with the other packages. Here is the command for upgrading setuptools.

pip install --upgrade setuptools

This command will upgrade the setuptools to the latest version.


Setuptools is very much important tool for project/package delivery. This is the essential package for installing any python package from file. I hope you must have liked this article but if you have any confusion, Please comment below.

End Notes –

We have tried to cover almost all the aspects related to this importerror but if you think something is uncovered or left, Please reach out to us. Our Team will happy to address those uncovered areas.  At last but not the least,  If any of the above commands related to setuptools are not working or outdated, kindly let us know so that we can improve that part for other readers’ community of data science learners. Thank you very much for reading the whole article.

Data Science Learner Team