We can fix ” importerror no module named sip” error by installing PyQt5 python module. We should always ensure the path for PyQt5 python module. In this article, We will see how to install PyQt5 in different ways step by step.
Importerror no module named sip ( Methods to Fix ) –
As we always choose pip for installing any python package. So In the same way, our first approach would be to install the PyQt5 using pip. After it, We will see how to use conda manager for installing PyQt5 module.
Method 1: Using pip –
Here is the command for installing the PyQt5 package using pip.
pip install PyQt5
PyQt5 is a python utility for Qt GUI. It’s also a cross-platform library.
There is a commercial version for PyQt5 module. In case, If you are building any commercial application then use the below command.
pip install PyQt-builder
Qt is very much useful in developing mobile applications and Desktop based applications.
Method 2 :
We can use Conda package manager for installing the PyQt5 module. This is the less common way for installing but still popular. Especially for Commercial projects with Official Anaconda. Anyways here is the command for installing using CONDA manager.
conda install -c ipa pyqt5
I hope these two methods are helpful for you in resolving this bug for you. If you have tried these methods but still facing the same error, please let our team know about it. We also request you to share some findings on the same issue if it is unique. You may comment the same in the comment box. It would also be fine if you write those details in an email. We will update the same relevant information solution in the current article to make it more useful for the readers. We keep on writing similar articles on these common bugs.
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