
Importerror no module named unittest2 : Step By Step Fix

Importerror no module named unittest2 error is very common while working with CircleCI and selenium. We need to install unittest2 package. In this article, We will see how to install or correct the path for the unittest2 python package.

Importerror no module named unittest2 ( Solution ) –

We can use multiple package manager for installing unittest2 python package.  Apart from the python package manager we can install the unittest2 package with the source code. If we use source code then we have use file for installation.


Using pip for installation unittest2 –

Here is the command for the installation of the package.

pip install unittest2
Importerror no module named unittest2

Unittest2 is one of the test automation-related frameworks.  The above command will install the latest version for the unittest2 python package.  But if you are facing any incompatibility issue then you can define the version of the package.

Why Unittest is important?

Every function has predefine input arguments and defines the output. When you see an integrated system that is nothing but a collection of the functions in certain orders. So I single function fails for certain inputs, It will affect the overall system. Hence we can create unit test cases for those functions before the build gets starts.  It will pass preconfigure values in each function and match with the expected output. If it is a match, The unittest is pass but if it does not match then the unittest is failed.

I hope now you guys are clear with the solution of “Importerror no module named unittest2”. Still, if the above method is not working for you, please let us know. We will come in touch for sure. You may directly comment to us or just send a simple mail to the data science learner team. We will love to help you. Also, If you think you want to contribute to the content., You’re most welcome.


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