
Modulenotfounderror no module named ‘snowflake’ ( Solved )

Sometimes you try to import some module and you get the modulenotfounderror. There can be many reasons for this type of error but the most common reason is that you must not have installed the library in your system. In this tutorial, you will learn how to solve the modulenotfounderror no module named ‘snowflake’  error.

What is a snowflake?

Snowflake connector allows you to develop python applications that make you connect snowflake and perform all standard operations. Snowflow connector has no dependencies on JDBC or ODBC Drivers. It can be easily installed using the pip command.

Why modulenotfounderror no module named ‘snowflake’  Error comes?

The root cause of getting this error is that you are importing the snowflake connector and the system does not find the snowflake module. You will get the modulenotfounderror .

You will get the error when you import the snowflake connector

import import snowflake.connector
modulenotfound snowflake error
You can see the python interpreter clearly raises the error ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘snowflake.

Solve no module named ‘snowflake’ Error

To solve this error you have to install the snowflake-connector-python python package. You can install it using the pip command. But before that, you have to also check the version of python.

If your python version is 3. xx then use pip3 and if it is 2. xx then use the pip command.

Open your terminal and type the following bash command to install the package.

Python 3. xx
pip3 install snowflake-connector-python
Python 2. xx
pip install snowflake-connector-python
It will also update the package if it is already installed in your system,
snowflake-connector-python website
If you want to install it in an anaconda environment then you install it using the conda command.
conda install snowflake-connector-python
Now if you import the snowflake.connector then you will not get the ModuleNotFoundError.
import import snowflake.connector


If you are getting any modulenotfounderror then before finding the solution on the internet try to first find that whether the module is installed in your system or not. If it’s not then install that module.

The above solution will solve the modulenotfounderror no module named ‘snowflake’  error.
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