
TypeError :cant multiply sequence by non-int of type numpy.float64 ( Solved )

As many Python programmers know NumPy is the best python package for array creation and doing complex mathematical calculations. But sometimes you get such a silly error that takes much time to solve. The error cant multiply sequence by non-int of type numpy.float64 is also like that. It mainly comes when you are manipulating strings.

In this entire tutorial, you will know how to solve can’t multiply sequence by non-int of type numpy.float64 error in a simple way.

What is TypeError?

TyperError is an error that occurs when you are performing an operation on an object of an inappropriate type. It means that you are using a particular method on an object or variable that is incompatiable with that method.

Why can’t multiply sequence by non-int of type numpy.float64 error comes

Let’s understand the case when this error mostly comes. Let’s say I have a NumPy array that contains elements of type string. Now I want to multiply the first element by the float value then you will get the error  TypeError: can’t multiply sequence by non-int of type ‘float‘.

import numpy as np
string_array = np.array(["a","b","c","d"])


can’t multiply sequence by non-int of type ‘float’ error

The python interpreter is saying that you cannot multiply the element of the typed string with the float. But when you multiply the first element by the integer value then you will not get the error. In fact, for this case you will see a is repeated three times.

import numpy as np
string_array = np.array(["a","b","c","d"])


Repeating the first element three times


The solution to the error can’t multiply sequence by non-int of type numpy.float64 is very simple. Instead of multiplying the string elements by the float type multiply it with the int type.

Even if you want to multiply the element by float then you have to round the digits after the decimal. You can round the float value to an integer type using the round() method.

You will not get the error when you run the below lines of code.

import numpy as np
string_array = np.array(["a","b","c","d"])


Solution of can’t multiply sequence by non-int of type numpy.float64 error

Other Solution

If the above solution doesnot work then wrap the code in try-except block. It makes sure that the Typeerrro you get will not stop executing the statements inside the except block.

  # Main Part of code
  # Handle the TypeError


The error cant multiply sequence by non-int of type numpy.float64 mainly comes when you are multiplying string values with the float value. If you multiply the integer’s value with other types like int and float then you will not get the error.

So the only method to solve this error is to multiply the string elements with integers only not with the float type.

I hope this tutorial has solved your queries. If you have any suggestions or queries then you can contact us for more help.