
How to Convert python dict to json ? Step by Step Implementation

We can convert python dict to json using json.dumps() function. Actually json.dumps()  accepts python dict as an argument. This function returns a JSON object. In this article, We will see the implementation stepwise.

1. How to Convert python dict to JSON?

Firstly, We will create a python dictionary in step 1. In Step 2, we will convert it into a JSON object.

Step 1:

Here we will convert a python dictionary with some keys and values.

#sample python dictionary
python_dict = {
  "key1": "Value1",
  "key2": "Value2",
  "key3": "Value3",

Step 2:

Let’s use json.dumps() function. But as it is the part of JSON module. Hence we need to import it before using it. Let’s see how?

import json

Complete code with Output –

Here is the complete code with its output.

import json

#sample python dictionary
python_dict = {
  "key1": "Value1",
  "key2": "Value2",
  "key3": "Value3",

#Converting Python dict to JSON

#printing the JOSN object
python dict to json implementation


Dictionary to Json ( Formatting)-

Till now, We have seen the conversion. Now we will see how can we format the JSON response.

1.1 indent:

We can use the indent parameter for improving indentation. Here we can provide values as an integer. Let’s see an example.

JSON_obj=json.dumps(python_dict, indent=6)
dict to json indent example

1.2 sort_keys:

This parameter is for sorting the keys of the JSON. We can have the syntax for better understanding.

JSON_obj=json.dumps(python_dict, sort_keys=True)
dict to json sorting example

1.3 separators:

We can use the separators for changing the default separator.

JSON_obj=json.dumps(python_dict, separators=(". ", " = "))

Well, this seems a little confusing. Because of three consecutive values as parameter. No problem! Actually, It will use “.”  in the place of “,”  for separating objects. It will use “=” in the place of “:” for separating keys with values.

import json
#sample python dictionary
python_dict = {
  "key1": "Value1",
  "key2": "Value2",
  "key3": "Value3",
JSON_obj=json.dumps(python_dict, separators=(". ", " = "))
dict to json seperator example


2. How to convert dict to JSON file ?

Here we will use json.dump() function in the place of json.dumps(). Lets see the implemention.

import json
#sample python dictionary
python_obj = {"key1": "Value1","key2": "Value2", "key3": "Value3"}
with open("generated.json", "w") as f:
  json.dump(python_obj, f) 
dict to json file using dump

3. How to Convert JSON to Dict ?

We can convert JOSN object to dict using the json.loads() function. Implementation wise It is very easy and self-explanatory.

import json
#sample python dictionary
JOSN_obj = '{"key1": "Value1","key2": "Value2", "key3": "Value3"}'
json to dict

I hope now can easily perform the JSON to dict conversion and vice versa also. Please comment on your views on the comment box.

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