
Python unexpected eof while parsing : Solve this SyntaxError

Python is the best programming language that is gaining more and more popularity in the coming years. It is as simple as the English language as it is a high-level programming and dynamically typed language. Often when you write lines of code and execute it then you will get python syntaxerror unexpected eof while parsing. And I have found many coders waste so much time for solving this error.

In this entire tutorial, you will know why this syntax error comes and what you can do to solve it.

Syntaxerror unexpected eof while parsing Solution

In this entire section, you will know what is a mistake you are doing while writing the code and how you can solve it. Basically, there are two ways where you can get this error. One is not enclosing a line of code after defining loops ( if-else, while, for )and function. And the other is not enclosing parenthesis for any function you are calling. In fact, Python interpreter tells you that end of your source code is reached before execution of all the lines of code. You will know more about it in detail.


Case 1: Not Enclosing line of code

If you are using for loop, if-else, while loop and you forgot to add a line of code in the next line then you will get python Syntaxerror: unexpected eof while parsing. You can see in the below screenshots.

list = [1,2,3,4,5]
for i in list:


SyntaxError unexpected EOF while parsing on loop


The solution for it is to add a line of code before the end of the code block.

list = [1,2,3,4,5]
for i in list:


SyntaxError unexpected EOF while parsing on loop solved

Case 2: Not Enclosing Parenthesis

The second case when you get python Syntaxerror: unexpected eof while parsing is when you forgot to enclose parenthesis for any functions like print() e.t.c.

name = "Data Science Learner"


SyntaxError unexpected EOF for not enclosing parenthesis


The solution for this case is very simple. Check your Parenthesis if “)” or “(“ is missing then add the opposite parenthesis. It will solve this error.

name = "Data Science Learner"

Now you will not get the error.

SyntaxError unexpected EOF for not enclosing parenthesis solution

There is also another solution if you want to bypass the code block or this error. To do so you have to pass code inside the try and catch block. For example, I want to bypass case 1 using the try and catch block then I will always add the code in the try and catch block.


Python Syntaxerror unexpected eof while parsing comes when you are using for, while loop, if-else, and python interpreter reached the end of source code before executing each line of code. If you are also not enclosing parenthesis in the function then you will get this error. To solve it you have properly checked the written code.

I hope this tutorial has solved your queries. If you have any queries then you can contact us for more help.