Python Variables : Python basics for Data Scientist

Python support String and Numbers as primary variable . Here you need not  to declare them before initialization . All you need to initialize when you want to use them .These Python basics for Data Scientist helps to speed up while coding . You may bookmark this article(similar one) to checkout the syntax while coding . Lets understand Python Variables : Python basics for Data Scientist 

Playing with Python Numbers –

There are three kind of Python numbers .

  1. int
  2. float
  3. complexone single image speaks more than 100 words . So lets see –
    Python Variables : Python basics for Data Scientist


Playing with Python String –

There is no character variable in Python . In the place of characters , Python has String object . Whether it is a single character or group of character  , It will be a string object .


Python Variables : Python basics for Data Scientist (String)

There are so many operations related to python String .For which Python itself provided inbuilt function  For examples –

1. capitalize() and title()


When we need to convert our string to capital form . we use capitalize() .

input = “welcome”

x = input.capitalize()

print (x)


There can be a situation where we need to capitalize only first letter of each word . In that case we use title().

input = “welcome to data science”

x = input.title()

print (x)

2. casefold() and lower() –

Both works in the same way . They both use to convert string into lower case . Still casefold() is more suitable in large strings .

input = “Introduction To Casefold”

x = input.casefold()

print (x)

Well in the same way you may use lower() .

3.  split() –

In order to split a string into list using some pattern .

txt = “cow#dog#ox”

x = txt.split(“#”)


output –

['cow', 'dog', 'ox']

4. encoding and decoding –

In various situation we encode string in different formatting for example –  utf-8 etc . Lets understand how encoding and decoding works in python string . In order to encode you string use the below syntax which is self explanatory .

txt = “hi this is  aåder”


output –

b'hi this is\\xa0a\\xe5der'
b'hi this isader'
b'hi this is?a?der'
b'hi this is aåder'

I think syntax but must be clear but let me tell you the first parameter is for type of encoding and second is how you would like to deal with error .


There is the same way we follow with decoding a string .


input = "i love data science"
# converting input to base64 encoding
encoded_str = input.encode('base64', 'strict')
# decode the above one –
decoded_str = encoded_str.decode('base64', 'strict')

Conclusion –

There are many more string functions which may make you life easier . In order to know more about them . Please visit the python’s official documentation . Well this is time for tour feed back on the article –  Python Variables : Python basics for Data Scientist . The scope of this article was to introduce you with python variable . As you know python is a dynamically type language which may create run time issue . So it is advisable to use variable in appropriate way .Keep reading articles  with Data Science Learner .
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