
savreaderwriter Python Complete Overview : In short

savreaderwriter python modules use SPSS I/O modules to save the file with extension: “.sav”.Let’s explore the essentials of savreaderwriter.  Firstly, We will start with installation and basic examples of the associated packages.


savreaderwriter Python Installation –

There are many ways to install this package but the most efficient and simple one is using a pip package manager. Here is the command to install the same.

pip install savReaderWriter
Savreaderwriter package overview

Secondly, The other alternative is to use the file. It is the traditional method where we download the python repository/code and run the file. Use the below command –

python install

Sample Code –

Let’s see some sample use of this library. This will take a simple example and execute the in python shell.

savFileName = 'output.sav'
records_sample = [[b'Sample', 99, 10], [b'Sample_1', 12, 14]]
varNames_list = ['var1', 'var2', 'var3']
varTypes = {'var1': 51, 'var2': 4, 'var3': 9}
with SavWriter(savFileName, varNames_list , varTypes) as writer:
    for record in records_sample :

In this sample example, We have taken two python objects and wrote them into some ‘output. sav’ file format. This is just an example to give a kick start with the module.  We can also take NumPy array, list of list, pandas type data structure.

Conclusion –

Above all, I hope you must have liked this article on savreaderwriter  package overview. It’s very important for the IBM SPSS module. Actually, the IBM SPSS module has two data types specific String and Numeric.  This savreaderwriter package really helps to process and save these data types.  It is a very important and convenient method to read or write SPSS files systems.

Savreaderwriter git package

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