Typeerror float object is not callable : Tricks To Fix it

Typeerror float object is not callable

Typeerror float object is not callable error occurs when we declare any variable with the name float( User defined name). As We know, Float is also a reserve a keyword in python. Hence when we typecast any object into a float object. It captures the reference of the float variable(User Define)  in the place of Python default Float object. That is why the interpreter throws this error.

Usually, any callable object in python is something that can accept arguments and return some value after processing it. Python functions and class constructor comes into that category. As we all know that variable can not accept arguments, Hence float object is not callable.

Typeerror float object is not callable ( Real Scenario):

Well, We have already understood the root cause. But there will be two main scenarios in programming where this error occurs. Hence we will address them with a solution.


Scenario 1: float as a variable name-

Firstly let’s see the code.

float = 3.0 
print (float)

Here we have given variable name as a float. Which later on conflicts with float typecasting operation. Here is the output for this piece of code.

typeerror float object is not callable example 1
typeerror float object is not callable example 1

Solution float object is not callable :

We can choose different variable names. Let’s say we give it the name float_var. Now  It will fix the issue.

Scenario 2: Variable name and function name are the same-

There can be any scenario where the user-defined function name is the same as the variable which holds its return value. It will be more clear with the below example.

def operation(a):
  return 2*a


As we can see, In the above code operation is twice. First as a function name and second as a variable that holds its value.
Also when we run the above code we get the error float object is not callable.

float object is not callable
float object is not callable


Solution –

As we have done earlier. Here we again need to change either the variable name or function name.

def operation(a):
  return 2*a


Now the above code works well.

float object is not callable solution
float object is not callable solution



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