Data Science Basics

Best Numpy Video Tutorial : Free Courses for the Python Lovers

Who doesn’t want to learn Numpy? You can ask any Python Programmer or Data Scientist about it, they tell you more about it easily. Numpy is a very popular library for creating arrays of a single and multidimensional array. It has a large collection of mathematical functions that are very useful for manipulation the arrays. When I started learning Numpy for the first time then I was very confused about where to start and how to master it. In this article, you find the best Numpy Video Tutorial for mastering it.

The following topics are very important for the Numpy  Learner.

  1. Installing the Numpy Library
  2. Creating the Numpy Arrays
  3. Indexing  the Elements in Numpy
  4. How to Manipulate the Arrays? (Remove, Join, Split e.t.c )

Best Numpy Video Tutorial Channels on Youtube.

  1. TheEngineeringWorld – It has more than 30 Video courses specifically on the Numpy. It covers all the major topics on the Numpy like installation, the creation of the array, slicing of the numpy array e.t.c.
  2. Team Technology It is also the best Playlist on Youtube for the Numpy Beginners. Installation, dot products, matrix products e.t.c are topics they have covered.
  3. Ganguly Tech – If you are from India and wants to learn in Hindi, Then this course is for you. This channel covers the basis Numpy Tutorial in very very easy Hindi Langage.

Free Udemy Courses on Numpy

Udemy has a large catalog of the Python Courses. If you want to get Free Udemy Courses on Numpy then these are. Currently, I have found these best Numpy video Tutorial. If I will find new then I will keep adding.

Deep Learning Prerequisites: The Numpy Stack in Python

It covers the topics like List vs Arrays, Vectors, Vectors, and Matrices and many more. You will also get the knowledge of the other Python libraries like Matplolib, pandas e.t.c.

All the above courses are good but they have some limitations.

  1. You don’t get enough information on it.
  2. Don’t get support if you have any query.
  3. You fell lack of learning.
  4. You cannot be an expert.

Therefore I advise you to learn from the paid Courses as you can feel more like a classroom. Below are the best Numpy Courses you can refer to become an expert.

Complete NumPy Masterclass: Go from Zero to Hero in Numpy

Python for Data Science and Machine Learning Bootcamp

The Ultimate Data Science & Machine Learning Python.

Complete Python 3 and Pandas Data Science Masterclass

End Notes

Numpy is a great python library. It can do any complicated mathematical calculation in a fraction of seconds. It is widely used by Data Scientist for analyzing and scaling the data. Hope you must have ended the search for the best Numpy Video Tutorial. These courses will definitely make you an expert. If you want to get any query on a particular topic then you can connect us. We are always ready to help you.


Data Science Learner Team