Vue.js vs Angular vs React : Differences, Pros and Cons

Vue.js vs Angular vs React

Some of the most famous JavaScript frameworks are Vue.js vs Angular vs React. Every developer has come across these platforms. But what are their main features and differences? Keep reading this article to find the answers to these questions.

When starting a new project, not all developers can make the right choice about the framework. Often this choice is not based on proper analysis, which can lead to failure to meet the needs of the application during development.

Therefore, let’s start with a brief analysis of each framework, as well as its features.


Even though Angular has lost popularity in recent years, it manages to maintain its leading position among various communities and ratings.

This is not only because this is a Google product that is regularly updated and improved. A special role is played by an incredible framework that offers a simple data connection, an MVVM model (Model View), a system of integrated modules, optimal routing along with a dependency injection system, and other interesting features.

Pros and Benefits of Angular

Angular divides components into different parts, i.e. logical packages, which allow you to optimize load times and improve performance. In addition, the MVVM pattern simplifies and speeds up development by integrating two-way data binding.

For this and more, Angular attracts many companies and web developers, especially due to its ongoing support and rich ecosystem of already integrated features that almost eliminate the need to install third-party packages.


One of the common and well-known problems with Angular is its difficult learning curve.

Unlike its competitors like React and Vue.js, Angular takes longer to master and requires above-average basic skills, so it’s not recommended for beginners.

It builds heavy packages, resulting in applications that are sometimes slower than those of its competitors.


Let’s take a look at React and its main advantages and characteristics.

Pros and Benefits of React

React’s main mission is to offer itself as an easy-to-use and fast framework that allows any project to scale flexibly by building reusable and modular custom components.

One of its big selling points is its performance, a feature that has made it popular from the start. Other important features are the use of Virtual Dom, which speeds up and improves write and update operations, and tree-shaking assistance to minimize the size of the final package.

Disadvantages of React

Unlike Angular, which offers a complete development environment, React does not implement any templates, giving the developer complete freedom to install third-party libraries for states and models. This results in a lack of documentation, as due to its constant updates and the large number of third-party libraries that support it, it is often difficult to provide detailed documentation.

Why Vue.js?

Vue.js is a progressive framework ideal for adapting your project over time. Unlike its competitors, Vue.js doesn’t have a big company behind it (think Google for Angular and Facebook for React). Despite this, it is one of the most popular JavaScript frameworks on Github.

Pros and Benefits of Vue.js

Speaking of Vue.js, it’s easy to compare it to React due to some similar features. For example, both platforms use a virtual home and are focused on the development of reusable components.

Another argument in favor of Vue.js is its performance in terms of speed and bundle size. Also, because it is easy to learn, it is perfect for beginners and professionals alike. Its documentation is constantly updated and thanks to the ease of integration, you can start using it almost instantly.

Disadvantages of Vue.js

One of the downsides of Vue.js is that, while not having a big company behind it, it is driven by the community and patrons who are constantly contributing to its development. However, this situation can scare away a large number of companies and developers who will opt for more “safe” solutions from this point of view.

Vue.js vs Angular vs React , Which framework to choose is up to you. It all depends on many factors. First, on the features of your project. Some platforms will be able to simplify the development process, and some, on the contrary, will add even more complexity. Secondly, a lot depends on your preferences. Some people love to use React, while others use Vue exclusively. Focus on yourself first.

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