Lets go 15 year back , When mobile phone were very rare. You might have seen ,only high class people were using Internet . World is changing very fast. Technology change is very rapid in this time . Now mobile phones and Internet are available in every pocket. Even in Movies like Terminator , We see the Application of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning . Now machines have their own intelligence . Machine can learn and think also. You must be thinking how machine can learn? . I understand your curiosity to know what is machine learning. If you read this article , You will get the answer of what is machine learning and how machine think?. But , before going deep in Machine Learning , Lets feel the presence of machine learning around us . I think shopping online will be one of your favorite topic. Specially if you are a girl reader . Right! just kidding . Suppose you are looking to purchase a mobile phone at amazon, You added that to your cart or wishlist . After that started searching something on internet . You find and open a blog , Oh my God the ad is coming on this website is same as your wishlist product . How this magic is possible ! I have tried to put all such queries and their Interesting answers with detail explanation in this article . So After reading this Article you will be knowing . What is machine learning ?Example of a products where machine learning is used.Type of Machine Learning .What is machine learning ? Machine Learning is an branch of Artificial Intelligence. Generally , If We build a model without using machine learning, It has a certain behavior. Even If you run that system for long term .There will be no change in its behavior . In Opposite, If you build a model with machine learning , it will show different behavior with time. As the time passes it will improve its accuracy . Now you must be thinking how it is possible . Actually In Machine leaning models it does not have rigidity over logic written by developer . Instead of rigidity in logic ,Model depends on data it has .