Attributeerror: module torch has no attribute _six ( Fixed )

Attributeerror module torch has no attribute _six ( Fixed )

Attributeerror: module torch has no attribute _six error occurs because of the version incompatibility between torch module version and internal python version. In this article, We will explore the best ways to fix up this error.

Attributeerror: module torch has no attribute _six ( Solution ) –

The best way for version incompatibility is updating the platform and respective package but we will opt for the first which is easy and most likely can fix things. Hence please try the solution in order.

Solution 1 : Upgrade torch and related packages :

Since this type of incompatibility issue mostly comes in torch or related packages. Hence we will see how we can update them. But a similar command we can use for any other package.

pip install --upgrade torch torchvision

If you are using conda manager then for update, use the below commands.

conda update pytorch torchvision
Attributeerror module torch has no attribute _six
Attributeerror module torch has no attribute _six

Solution 2: Update Python Interpreter Version :

Sometimes even after upgrading the underline package, we end up with the same error. There we can upgrade the underlined Python version. By reinstalling Python once again. But we need to double-check the path after installation to ensure my system is pointing to the correct Python version or not.

Why do we use six module in Python?

The six module is responsible for making compatibility between the syntax of Python 2 and Python 3.  Since the torch package has a journey with multiple Python versions. To have backward compatibility, this six-module is required. It also comes with Python default distribution. To use this package you need to install it separately.

This is ultimately an attributeerror. We have used basic and generic tricks to fix this error. In case you want to understand more about fixing attributeerror. Please read this detailed article.

What is AttributeError in Python ? Complete Overview


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