Importerror: cannot import name ‘safe_weights_name’ from ‘transformers.utils’

Importerror cannot import name safe_weights_name from transformers.utils

Importerror: cannot import name ‘safe_weights_name’ from ‘transformers.utils’ error occurs because of code structure change in transformers third party package diffusers. This creates incompatibility in the transformer library.  Since Transformer is an NLP library for most kinds of Large Language Models like GPT- family, Universal Sentence Encoder, etc. It is built on PyTorch Library. In this article, we will explore how can we fix up this issue.


Importerror: cannot import name ‘safe_weights_name’ from ‘transformers.utils’ ( Solutions ) –

Let’s explore the solution in different sections.

Solution 1: Make diffusers compatible –

Since diffusers module is the root cause of incompatibility. Let’s fix its versioning. We can use pip command for fixing its versioning.

pip install diffusers==0.12.1

We can use other alternative package manager like conda etc as well also for installing diffusers. Here is the command for conda package manager.

conda install -c anaconda diffusers-torch

Solution 2: Make transformer compatible –

Since it is a transformer library error. Hence if the above solution is not working then you should upgrade the transformer version above than 4.27.4. Here is the command.

pip install transformers==4.27.4

Now you can restart the interpreter and re-run the code. Generally most compatible version of diffusers with transformers is diffusers==0.14.0 but If you are still getting this error you can try to upgrade transformers and diffusers both to the latest version.

Importerror cannot import name 'safe_weights_name' from 'transformers.utils' fix by upgrading transformer
Importerror cannot import name ‘safe_weights_name’ from ‘transformers.utils’ fix by upgrading transformer

Since it is more of a classic import error. Also, we have approached this error with generic tricks to fix the importError. But I will recommend you explore this detailed article on ImportError.

Easiest way to Fix importerror in python ( All in One )

This diffusers is useful in building Generative AI solutions for 3D images. Most of the Large Generative models have this implementation internally. So if you are importing them and getting this error then try the above solutions.


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