Modulenotfounderror: no module named corsheaders ( Solved )

modulenotfounderror_ no module named corsheaders ( Solved )

Modulenotfounderror: no module named corsheaders error occurs mainly when django-cors-headers is not installed or its path is misconfigured. The best way to fix this error is to reinstall the django-cors-headers module. When we reinstall any python package it first uninstalls the older version and then installs the latest or provided version. This automatically resolves all the incompatibility.  Of course, we need to take care version when we upgrade or downgrade while reinstalling the package.

Well in this article, we will explore different methods of installing or reinstalling  django-cors-headers package.

Modulenotfounderror: no module named corsheaders ( Solution ) –

The best way to install this django-cors-headers package is via the pip package manager. But there are other possible ways too. Let’s address them one by one.

Solution 1: django-cors-headers installation using pip –

As we mentioned this is the best and easiest way to install any python module.  Typically in a single line of command, it will download the binary or wheel file, place it in the required location, and here we go.

pip install django-cors-headers

It will install the current latest version for django-cors-headers which is 3.13.0 currently. However, it may change on the basis of the upcoming releases. Here is the detail for the package django-cors-headers release.

no module named corsheaders solve using pip
no module named corsheaders solve using pip

Solution 2: django-cors-headers installation using conda –

Completely Identical to the above way of installing corsheaders , we can install via conda manager too. This conda manager is distributed with Anaconda distribution. Actually, it is more popular in the scientific community, statisticians, data scientists and analysts in compare to full stack or backend developers.

no module named corsheaders solve using conda
no module named corsheaders solve using conda

Here is the conda command you can try to install corsheaders

conda install -c conda-forge django-cors-headers

.Solution 3: django-cors-headers installation using source code –

In this section, I will not go in much deep since it is already well articulated in the official documentation. Please follow the steps to install corsheaders.

no module named corsheaders solve using source code
no module named corsheaders solve using source code



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