pip command not found : Lets crack this error !!

pip command not found Fix this error

pip command not found error occurs if pip package is not available in the system or path configuration is not correct. The best solution to fix this error is to reinstall this pip again. This will automatically set the path for the pip package manager. In this article, we will explore every angle for this error. So let’s start-

pip command not found : (Solution) –

Actually, windows users need not install the pip package manager separately. If they install python-pip package manager will automatically come in the distribution.

Window User ( pip package manager) –

All you need to visit python official website and download the latest version/ compatible python version.

pip command not found windows
pip command for windows

pip command not found for Linux User ( pip package manager) –

As I mentioned, pip comes with windows distribution but that is not the case with Linux OS. In Linux, we need to install the pip separately. Here is the command for the same-

sudo apt-get -y install python3-pip

Once we run the above command it will install the pip3 package manager with it.

pip command not found for Mac OS ( pip package manager) –

Similar to windows,  Mac OS Python distribution also contains pip package manager distribution. The easier way to install python is the brew package manager.

brew install python3

How to check pip version?

Here is the command for checking pip version-

pip --version

It will show the current pip version. As the below screenshot signifies the same.

pip version
pip version

Similar error in Windows –

“pip command not found” and “‘pip’ is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file” is a similar errors. So the solution will be the same for both the errors. The first one comes in the Linux platform and the other one is for the Windows Platform.

Hope you must find this article informative on pip installation and related errors. Please provide your feedback via comment.

Alternative to pip package manager –

If you do not want to proceed with pip then you can install Anaconda distribution. It offers the conda package manager which is completely identical to the pip package manager. There are differences in pip and conda but it will not affect the core motive behind them.


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