Top 5 Python Library for Operational Research

top 5 python library for operational research

Data Science and Operational Research are interrelated. Actually Top Management team of most companies loves Operation research techniques. Because These operational research pythons libraries helps us to take managerial decisions . This article will let you know about Top Python Library for Operational Research .

Actually These python libraries will not help you only in doing operational research simplification but It will also help you in integrating them into your application as well. Frankly speaking in my college days, I found Operational research use-cases very interesting. But the calculation part was my biggest headache. But When I heard about these libraries, I was really relieved.

Python Library for Operational Research-

Before starting the list of Python Library for Operational Research, I would like to inform you of something. Please Do not consider the ordering as any rank between them.  if the operational research library coming in second place does not reflect that it is less efficient than the library which is mention in the first place.

  1. CVXOPT-

Actually this CVXOPT is an optimization software and library. Here is the documentation of CVXOPT. I will recommend you have a look into its official website.

2. prodyn –

Python-based library for operational research with beautifully shows the application of dynamic programming in the operation research field. Here is the complete documentation for prodyn .

prodyn OR library python
prodyn Operational Research library python

3. scipy.optimize

How much I really speak about scipy , will always be less. One of the great scientific python framework so far. Scipy contains so many submodules. scipy.optimize is one of them. The best part of scipy.optimize is its popularity. Although the above mention libraries give you the most of the similar value but it is widely known. Hence you will get more error trace and solution on the developer community for scipy.optimize .

scipy.optimize OR pyhon library
scipy.optimize Operational Research library python

4. PuLP –

This Operational library is mostly known for its Linear Problem simplification. Here is the complete link for the documentation of PuLP. Please go throw it.


5. Others Operational Research Libraries :

As it happens in almost all of my articles, especially in “Top 5 list type”. I use this 5th place as a bucket where I put other libraries. Actually these APIs/Libraries are unmatchable. Therefore I feel injustice if I put only one name of the Operational research library.

5.1 – Ticdat

5.2 – PySCIPOpt

5.3 – APM Python 

5.4-  pyOpt

Conclusion (python for operations research) –

So how did you find this article – Top 5 Python Library for Operational Research?  By the way, If you think you know some other operational research library which is not the part of the list, please let us know. Basically these libraries are quite helpful in creating new operation research tools. Therefore It is helpful to integrate a new operational research function /feature into an existing product ( Data Science and Non-Data science )as well. Obviously, if you are not creating a tool, just you want to do some operation on this technique available tool is the best to use. For example, if you want to eat ice cream, you simply go out and purchase it.  You do not buy the complete infrastructure and manufacture it.

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