Attributeerror module ’emoji’ has no attribute ‘unicode_emoji’ ( Solved )

Attributeerror module 'emoji' has no attribute 'unicode_emoji' ( Solved )

Attributeerror module ’emoji’ has no attribute ‘unicode_emoji’ error occurs because of incompatibility generated from version update of the emoji python package. Actually, ‘unicode_emoji’  attribute is removed in the release 2.0 version. If we check the release notes for emoji version 2.0.o release notes, It is clearly mentioned. Let’s validate here only.

Attributeerror module 'emoji' has no attribute 'unicode_emoji'
Attributeerror module ’emoji’ has no attribute ‘unicode_emoji’


Attributeerror module ’emoji’ has no attribute ‘unicode_emoji’ (Solution )-

There is the simplest and fastest solution for this error. It is to downgrade emoji package to a version lower than 2.0.0. Here we need to pay some attention because downgrading and upgrading of any module may raise such incompatibility issues.

Downgrading emoji package to version 1.7.0 version –

Here is the command for downgrading the emoji package to the 1.7.0 version.

pip uninstall emoji
pip install emoji==1.7.0

It will install the package to a lower stable version. Firstly we need to uninstall the current version and then reinstall the same.

There are multiple similar issues that can occur because of the same upgrade. All the below attributes are removed.

1.Attributeerror module ’emoji’ has no attribute ’emoji_unicode_’

2. Attributeerror module ’emoji’ has no attribute get_regexp

3. Attributeerror module ’emoji’ has no attribute emoji_lis


The solution will be the same as we solve the above error. This emoji package is really made big difference in creating chatting apps and gives a boost to Natural Language Processing. Mostly we create chatbots which from the other end seem any human is answering to human but it is a robot. Since it gives the feel as human chat, we from the other hand send the emoji. Now we robot needs text as initial input before converting it into a vector and so on. There we need to write a custom code to change emojis into text. But with the help of this emoji package, It is too easy.


Similar Attributeerror :

1.attributeerror: module tensorflow has no attribute contrib ( Solved )

2.Attributeerror: module collections has no attribute mutablemapping



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