How to Install Scrapy in Pycharm : Install it in 5 Steps Only

How to Install Scrapy in Pycharm

Scrapy is a python module that allows you to crawl and extract data from web pages. It is an open-source framework that contains many inbulit functions that make crawling easier. But many new beginners are unable to install it on Pycharm. When you try to import this package then they will get an import no module not found error. It can be solved by installing it. In this entire tutorial, you will know how to install Scrapy in Pycharm step by step.


Scrapy Import  Error

If you have not installed Scapy in Pycharm and try to import it using the import statement then you will see red color underline below the import error. It tells you that you have to install it.

No module scrapy error
No module scrapy error

Step by Step to Install Scrapy in Pycharm

Step 1: Go to File>>Setting and click on your Project: your_project_name. In my case the name of the project is scrapy-tutorial. There you will the two options like the below image.

Scrapy Pycharm Project Window
Scrapy Pycharm Project Window

Step 2: Click on the Project Interpreter. There you will see all the list of installed packages. You can see Scrapy is not installed.

Step 3: After step 2. You will see the “+” window on the top right side of the Pycharm window.

Plus sign for searching Scrapy in Pycharm
Plus sign for searching Scrapy in Pycharm


Step 4: After clicking the plus sign you will see the search window. Type there scrapy. You will see the list of all the scrapy modules from different authors.

Step 5: Select the Offical Scrapy Module and click on the Install Package.

Select the Official Scrapy Module
Select the Official Scrapy Module

It will start installing the Scrapy package in your Pycharm.  After Installation, you will get the notification that Scrapy has been successfully installed.

If the above steps are unable to install the Scrapy package then you can also manually install the package using your Pycharm Terminal. Follow the steps below.

Step 1: Go to your Pycharm Terminal. You will find it at the bottom of the Pycharm window.

Pycharm Terminal for Scrapy Installation
Pycharm Terminal for Scrapy Installation


Step 2: Type the following command in your terminal.

For python 3.xx

pip3 install Scrapy

For python 2.xx

pip install Scrapy

It will successfully install the Scrapy python package.

Installing Scrapy using pip in pycharm
Installing Scrapy using pip in pycharm

How to check the version of the installed Module?

After the installation, you can also check the version of the installed Scrapy module. Use the below code to see the version.

import scrapy

You can also check the version using the Pycharm terminal. Go to the terminal and type the following command

scrapy --version

It will show the output.


Scrapy is a popular web scrapping python module. You can crawl anything from the website using it and also save the data to your database. There are the steps to install Scrapy in Pycharm. Hope this tutorial has solved your queries on installing Scrapy. Even if you have doubt you can contact us for more help.


Scrapy Offical Documentation

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